Ethics & Compliance

In Partnership with

Anti-Corruption Consulting and Training

The courses on Ethics & Compliance allow to create, spread and maintain in the company the culture of legality and the sense of moral and professional correctness.

The topics covered have a legal basis and clearly indicate to employees the right way to deal with real situations.

The contents are optimized to be transmitted without burdening the company’s operations.

Together with Navex we offer dynamic, current content and focus on the topics of Ethics and Compliance considered to be of higher risk

We also provide advice to obtain ISO 37001 certification


It helps you manage third-party risk by simplifying the due diligence process and centralizing execution

RiskRate relieves the organization from the burden of investigating and deepening the data and information necessary to manage the risk of third parties.

A single due diligence system ensures the risk management of third parties, centralizing the onboarding, screening and continuous monitoring of risk subjects.

Create and manage business policies and procedures

PolicyTech is a cutting-edge system for managing policies and procedures.

This revolutionary software streamlines and automates policy management, allowing your business to reduce legal risks by ensuring traced access to corporate documents such as policies or procedures.

PolicyTech simplifies the creation of policy templates and document archiving; it allows to automate the process of writing, review, approval, distribution, training and updating in order to enhance the set of rules of the company as a company asset spreading awareness within the company for a more effective and efficient corporate governance.

Report hotline service

Help companies simplify the collection and management of reporting on Ethics & Compliance.

It allows any stakeholder (employees, customers, suppliers and others) to report quickly and easily any potential ethics violation & compliance or any suspected event

These reports are collected and cataloged in a centralized database and protected from unauthorized access.

For forwarding and collecting alerts, this system makes use of the most advanced hotline services available on the market, web-based compilation systems and face-to-face comparisons.

We can help you document all reports and manage case resolution discreetly while streamlining your workflows so as to ensure the management of all reports and all risks.

It provides the ethics and compliance data needed by organizations to help identify negative trends and direct E&C programs to corrective and preventative actions before insignificant episodes turn into real problems.