General Data Protection Regulation

The introduction of the EU regulation 2018/679 governing data protection is the moment for the integration of the legislation of the countries of the union on these aspects. The elements introduced can be summarized in three types, extended simplification for the implementation of the activities necessary for compliance; introduction of certain rules and references based on dimensional and organizational characteristics; introduction of certain sanctions for non-compliance. These are the elements that make the Regulation on data protection, better known through the acronym GDPR, one of the examples of legislation on the matter taken as a reference also from non-EU countries, including the USA.

Omniapart can count on the implementation of a multinational project on GDPR using every optimization envisaged by the Regulation in order to obviate the possible redundancies that often go to the detriment of efficiency and that consist in identifying a responsible for the protection of group data together with the use of the outline of the lead guarantor authority, the result was also appreciated in institutional locations such as the presentation of the model which took place at the AICOM convention at the Roma TRE university. The project involved the involvement of leading territorial law firms

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